The tracks on this release show such carefully constructed rhythms, with no hi-hat out of place, and each rhythm synergetically adding to the establishing layers of sound to create something much greater than the sum of its parts.
Author: Jason Martin
Heogen :: Inantiphsea (Touched Music)
There is wonderful fusion is styles and influences under the Heogen moniker, fusing the complex and surreal composition style of exm (aka Jeroen Bax) with the melodic and rhythmical style.
V/A :: Touched By Silence (#2) (Touched Music)
Think of all of the most highly regarded compilations of this ilk, and I think you will find fewer with such a rich and diverse selection of artists, coming together to deliver a tour de force of ambient.
Room of Wires :: Welcome To The End Game (Ant-Zen)
My initial overall impression of Welcome To The End Game is that this is a very worthy follow up to earlier releases. We are greeted with all of the hallmarks of RoW including their fractured beats, evocative and emotional synth lines…
Inkipak :: +ve (Fourier Transform)
As we drift downstream, the bliss only continues, and makes it harder to fathom how such a coherent and beautifully flowing album can come along and feel like an old friend from the first listen.
Dub Tractor :: Wait (Touched Music)
It’s really great to see and hear Touched Music giving some of these artists another new home, and whilst it’s part of a ten year anniversary and bringing back feelings and artists I had love for more 20 years ago when I was first discovering them.
Soutien Gorge :: Tarskapcsolatodban (Touched Music)
Soutien Gorge combine the playfulness and innocence of Plone, with the carefully arranged moods of ISAN, and vocal samples that wouldn’t sound out of place on a Wevie Stonder album.
Dragon & Jettenbach :: Tales from the Algorithm (Self Released)
These producers have no boundaries or limits, and are drawing from the world they know where it is possible to marry piano, harsh percussive sounds and layers of noise…
Skurken :: Dagur (Touched Music)
Dagur delivers tonnes of warmth, melodies and evocative percussion that when working on concert take the listener to places less known.