Part Timer somehow manages to elicit real and emotional, vivid technicolor memories of the past—and they’re all good memories, too.
Tag: Acoustic
Emba / The New Honey Shade :: Cinq / NEXUS (Handstiched*)
There is a contrast between these styles, you can isolate them or you can blend them, or neither. Each of these two artists makes interesting sounds that convey essences, emotions and new ideas, in very different ways.
Part Timer :: Interiority Complex (Self Released)
Stunningly beautiful, detailed snapshots that make you want to hear more, to know more, to feel more. It’s an album that leaves you wanting more, and that’s what makes it almost perfect.
Yair Etziony & Oberlin :: Farben #1 / A Sunday’s Silence (Handstiched*)
Atmospheric, with mood enhancing meditative textures, free from decorative distractions.
Kate Carr :: fake creek (Flaming Pines)
Carrying cinematic qualities it is easy to get swept into this atmosphere and find yourself in a swell of tension from the surrounding currents.
X.Y.R. / Danny Scott Lane :: Temple Of Solitary Reflections / UNTITLED (Handstitched*)
HS42 is a tour of studio creations from St. Petersburg, Russia and Los Angeles, California, allowing an easy going jungle-bird themed extended moment…
Seigo Aoyama :: Prelude For The Spring (Audiobulb)
Prelude For The Spring contains ideas of the transience of life, rebirth, rejuvenation, renewal, resurrection and regrowth, as well as humanity’s attraction to the unknown. […]
Jonas Meyer :: Schaudern & Schweben (Self Released)
Calm listening to balance the forces acting on the thermological release of this season; the sound of diamond dust and frozen foggy light, goodness and strength on earth.