Snowbeasts :: Snowbeasts (Component)

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Snowbeasts is surfing on more darkened and meditatively cerebral droned-out waves, with some neo-kosmische touches, genuinely cinematic and coldly moving.

Snowbeasts is the soundscaping dark ambient-esque project of Raab Codec. This first and self-titled album is signed on the independent netlabel Component Recordings (Pattern Behavior, Somatic Responses…). Raab Codec already published solo materials on the same label, experiencing kinetic post-techno minimal tendency.

Snowbeasts is surfing on more darkened and meditatively cerebral droned-out waves, with some neo-kosmische touches, genuinely cinematic and coldly moving. A few pieces develop subtle fuzzed-out post rockin accents as in the hypnotic and eerie “Howl.” Each track is magnificently dense, psych-acoustically trippy, utterly dark with some furiously sonic moments (as in the heavenly static sci-fi “Talons” or the minimal tense “The Hunt”). Some tracks such “Artifacts” admit a more viciously cerebral noisy electronic abstraction or more contemplative electronic scintillations as in the naturalistic “Under the ice”. The album closes with the undulating incantatory ghostly-like vibes of “Waiting for the Thaw.”

The musical identity is a cross between the synthesized droning experiments of Richard Lainhart, Robert Henke, Netherworld and the chilling claustrophobic post industrialism rituals of Caul, Lustmord, Sigillum S, Yen Pox et al. Nice deep listening, seriously recommended to any passionate lover of resonant droney frequencies and post-apocalyptic blissed out textures.

Snowbeasts is available on Component.

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