Snowbeasts :: Ice & Shadow (Component)

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A futuristic, gloomy and hypnotic cold drone ambient release that will ravish fans of advanced post-industrial music and its derivatives.

After a first digital release published on Component, Snowbeasts (aka Raab Codec & Elizabeth Virosa) are back with a new effort titled Ice & Shadow. This album is stylistically in the continuity of the previous one: minimal post-industrial synthscaping textures with a great aesthetic inclination for isolationist, mysteriously claustrophobic and primordial ritualistic atmospheres.

The ambiences are captivating, moody, languid and absorbing with an almost spiritual-entrancing spell on a few tracks like in the otherworldly, chanting and catacomb-esque “Whiteout.” We can appreciate a subtle alliance between plutonian-menacing electronic sounding patterns and foggy droned-out sequences which recall Coil, Deutsch Nepal, Caul and Nordvagr at their peak of subterranean goth-ambient ceremonies.

The music here is deliberately slow moving, timbral, immersive and brooding with darkly sinuous vibes and catchy sonic effects. Some parts are more abstract and admit musique concrète dynamics as in the ferocious “Days without Light” with its manipulated timbres and echoing structure. A piece such as “Avalanche” approaches the noise ambient territory with bleak sounding assaults and dissonant drone frequencies while a track such as “Ice Crawler”—its pulsating minimal rhythm and ghostly resonances has an almost secret, occult dimension.

A futuristic, gloomy and hypnotic cold drone ambient release that will ravish fans of advanced post-industrial music and its derivatives.

Ice & Shadow is available on Component.

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