Pattern Behavior :: Electric Minds (Component)

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The musical result is not so far from 80s / 90s dark electronic projects like Kirlian Camera, Ordo Rosario Equilibrium, Frozen Autumn or even Killing Joke absorbed in a kinetic and cyber-futurist mode. To sum up things Electric Minds offers to the audience another unexpected facet from this versatile modern electronic project.

Pattern Behavior :: Electric Minds (Component)

Pattern Behavior figures among the leading projects which makes the netlabel Component Recordings its very own originality. Founded by Raab Codec (also known for his other project Snowbeasts with Elizabeth Virosa). If Snowbeasts intentionally represents the subterranean and post industrial dark ambient mood of Raab Codec’s compositional line, Pattern Behavior guides the listener in a more retro-futurist electro pop universe dominated by machines, minimal synths and percussive hypnosis with sometimes 70s Berlin cosmic music school reminiscence (as in the self-titled album published in 2013).

This new Pattern Behavior album is a completely other thing as it seems to embrace more psych-electronic grooves and vibrant, weird, punchy minimal techno tendencies. Some gothic and industrial blasted touches also come to the fore to reinforce the main purpose. Female vocal parts give to the ensemble a dark waving dimension. A few tracks like “The Term between” reveal very interesting, thrilling, sensual and menacing sound waves. The musical result is not so far from 80s / 90s dark electronic projects like Kirlian Camera, Ordo Rosario Equilibrium, Frozen Autumn or even Killing Joke absorbed in a kinetic and cyber-futurist mode. To sum up things Electric Minds offers to the audience another unexpected facet from this versatile modern electronic project. Recommended for fans of the genre.

Electric Minds is available on Component.

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