Pattern Behavior :: Pattern Behavior (Component)

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An eclectic and multi-textured electronic music release which deliberately sounds as an imaginary soundtrack through furiously nightmare-ish, isolationist and beatific splendor.

Devoted to uncompromised and challenging experiments in electronic music, the netlabel Component Recordings is back with a handful of brilliant digital releases in spaced out psych ambient, techno-ish synthedelica, and algorithmic sculpted electronic minimalism. Pattern Behavior is an interesting and hauntingly cinematic sounding dark ambient project formed by the duet Raab Codec & Elizabeth Virosa.

This new digital release is a gorgeous debut effort which represents the more sonic and blackened electronic facet of the label. The collection of tracks delivers an incredibly tripped-out and radiant musical framework where menacing if not doomy and tenebrous chordal drone hypnosis meets pulsating kinetic electronic moves. Somewhere between the work of Blood Box, Beyond Sensory Experience with discreet touches of IDM and early electronic Berliners.

The opening theme is a striking, deeply moving and dynamic electronic trip with mysteriously ghostly like tones and punchy minimal grooves. “Tunnel” is a very abstract and blurred-out languorous drone with fascinating electronic percolations. With its synth spaciness and propulsive arpeggios a track such as “Binary Suns” offers a convincing musical excursion implicitly inspired by 70s kosmische Berlin school.

In short Pattern Behavior delivers a remarkable synthesis between various electronic sound explorations, discreetly dark ambient inflected moves (in the meditatively astral “December”) with lot of variations which culminates into a vastly immersive electronically orchestrated odyssey An eclectic and multi-textured electronic music release which deliberately sounds as an imaginary soundtrack through furiously nightmare-ish, isolationist and beatific splendor. This last deserves a serious listen and no doubt that most of us will be seduced by these inventive, expressive and post-apocalyptic electronic soundscaping textures.

Pattern Behavior is available on Component.

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