Through our shows, interviews and mixes, we’ve tried to present electronics with a difference, electronics that make a difference. To the snowy peaks of Canada with Solvent, to the dusty plains of Almería with Mynationshit, our objective is giving a greater audience to what is already great. This month is no exception.
Recent Posts
Chihei Hatakeyama & Shun Ishiwaka :: Magnificent Little Dudes, Volume 02 (Gearbox)
Atmospheric post-rock guitar and drumming that teeters between jazz and rock combine to form a record that sounds exactly like you would imagine the two to sound like when put together, with good chemistry to make it all work as well as it does.
The Off-Keytchen :: The lady from New York (Kaczynski Editions – Pulsioni Oblique)
Considering the density of each piece, The lady from New York is a surreal, disjointed, yet perplexing album that merits repeated listening to even begin scratching its multi-layered surfaces.
Parallel Worlds :: Impressions (Móatún 7)
Parallel Worlds’ Impressions is another high-caliber album that is definitely worth listening to with its tendency toward darker tones and cinematic caliber.
Macrogramma :: Magnetic Series (Lᴏɴᴛᴀɴᴏ Series)
For Macrogramma, the medium evidently brings with it, more than nostalgia’s facile allure, in contrast to digital’s infinite possibility, an intransigence forcing definitive choices.
Mark Fell :: Music imagines itself
At the send+receive Festival of Sound, Limpe Fuchs first heard and appreciated the music of Mark Fell, planting the seed of a collaboration that came to fruition when Fell (along with his son Rian Treanor) visited Fuchs at her home in Peterskirchen, Germany in September 2022. Black Truffle announced the release of the results of this extensive session in the audacious form of a triple LP, housing over two hours of music across its six sides titled Dessogia / Queetch / Fauch.
ARC :: Chronicle (DiN)
Chronicle contains aspects of industrial, techno, and ambient genres; with due sophistication, it meshes well with music from an earlier era.
Icky Reels :: FIND YA GURL EP (Self Released)
It’s almost as though we’re trapped in an extended dreamlike sequence surrounded by hundreds of found sounds, kaleidoscope visuals, and instrumental tones and pulses, complete with shuffled vocal samples, downtempo lounge excursions, and glitchy hip-hop slicing layers.
V/A :: Reticle Remixes Pt 1 (Patterned Media)
Patterned Media returns with the first installment of a two-part remix compilation— b0t23 + inoperative system, Reticle Remixes Pt. 1 with remixes from across the pond by Senmove (Spain), Roel Funcken (Netherlands), Adrien d’Elzius (Belgium), and Hexalyne (Romania). Album art by b0t23.