V/A :: Carebots (Bass Agenda) — charity compilation

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Bass Agenda Recordings will release a charity compilation titled Carebots on May 15, 2020.  Sold as a digital release via their Bandcamp page, the proceeds will be split between NHS Charities Together and Médecins Sans Frontières.

A massive Bass Agenda electro charity compilation

[Press Release] Bass Agenda Recordings will release a charity compilation titled Carebots on May 15, 2020.  Sold as a digital release via their Bandcamp page, the proceeds will be split between NHS Charities Together and Médecins Sans Frontières.

Andy (Bass Agenda) explains: “After over 100 releases I was planning on taking a break from the label from March but as this Coronavirus pandemic became more and more serious, I really felt like doing something tangible to help.  Like many people I am out of work thanks to this crisis and I wanted to do something meaningful and creative with my time. I was getting the same kind of messages from artists both on the label and in the wider Electro/Techno community.  Having done large charity release projects before I knew this could be done.”

He continues, “I posted on Facebook and approached a few contacts saying I was thinking of doing it and to get in touch if they wanted to get involved.  A week later I had over 70 artists up for the challenge. It is a beautiful thing to see so many talented people getting involved, from newcomers to established leaders in the scene like Carl Finlow, John Selway, Detroit’s Filthiest, Dez Williams, and Radioactive Man.”

“As for where the money from the release will go, I chose NHS Charities Together because they represent over 100 NHS charities and will distribute donations amongst them and also have a specific Covid-19 campaign running.  Médecins Sans Frontières are the other organisation that will receive profits from the release. I wanted to include one that worked beyond the UK to reflect the international nature of the crisis and the fact that the Electro and Techno communities are global too.”

Artists contributing tracks to the compilation are ::

Some quotes from artists ::

Plant 43 :: “In these difficult times I’m very happy to be able to contribute something to support these amazing organisations.  Huge thanks to Bass Agenda and everyone involved for making it possible.”

Carl Finlow :: “When asked by Andy Barton to get involved in this project, I jumped at the chance.  As an artist I am kind of trapped inside a creative bubble, often oblivious to many of the harsh realities of the world outside of my studio.  During this present moment in time, myself and billions of people are unified under a tremendous threat to our way of life and we owe an enormous debt of gratitude to services like the NHS and Médecins Sans Frontières.”

BlakTony :: “I remember my ears receiving beautiful music during the 60s-70s, discovering escapism in turbulent times.  This is how I return the favour while the planet is on lockdown and contribute to the music’s survival.”

W1b0 :: “This is the biggest pandemic since 1918, I have read somewhere.  And all you must do to slow it down (because that is all that we can do currently) is to stay at home.  Stay at home! So, I am working at home, helping the kids with schoolwork at home, and I get a lot of extra time in the studio.  So, when the call to arms came for ‘Carebots’, I knew I wanted to participate. This is not the first time the electro community has stood up as one.  Let this be an example of what we can achieve as a collective.”

John Selway :: “Bass Agenda is a pillar of the global underground electro and techno music community and I am proud to contribute music for Andy Barton’s effort to raise money for Medecins Sans Frontieres and NHS Charities Together.”

Errorbeauty & Serge Geyzel :: “We are happy to participate in the project as it is a great opportunity for us to share our music for a very important cause alongside such a great team of artists.  We believe that in these difficult times the music can empower people through the moments of confusion and isolation. Additionally, we are happy to contribute to this project as the profits will support important medical charity organizations.”

Carebots is available on Bass Agenda (May 15, 2020).

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