w1b0 : Main Squeeze Remixes (Bass Agenda)

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A fantastic cross section of Electro. Floor atomics and late night musing. A sterling first wax outing from the young Bass Agenda.

Bass Agenda is a label in its infancy, but already the UK Electro imprint has released some impressive names. Dynarec recently put out his Silver Tourist album on the new platform while musicians such as Seldom Seen and The Exaltics have graced Bass Agenda with mixes and tracks. Now, with the Summer sun setting over Britain, it’s time to make the leap to vinyl. To do so a new name to many has been drafted in alongside some established talent.

W1b0 is Utrecht based Wibo Lammerts, an artist who has released sporadically over the last decade. Here Lammerts is providing remix fodder. He’s up first with “Main Squeeze.” A tough, hardened and floor ready piece is laid down. Beats pound, industrial undertones pock-marked by electrical currents. Boris Divider blackens the original. The Spaniard builds the tension. Vultures circle, menace looms for a sinister and insular retake. An unknown name for me is up next. Simplicity is Beauty has a few releases in his back catalog, and ones I plan on checking out after his rework of “Main Squeeze.” A staggering, ferocious piece of steel and sheet metal is delivered. Jagged edges are further serrated as oil boils and bodies flail under piston pressure. BS-1 follows with a mellower interpretation, well in comparison to its predecessor. The last installment is a cold serving from The Exaltics. Snapping snares give way to sweetened strings, a subtle threat being established before the Jena machinist shreds.

I like the make up of Main Squeeze remixes. Some fledgling talent, some well known. But I like the sound even more. Tight and terse in parts, dense and deep in others. The 12” is a fantastic cross section of Electro. Floor atomics and late night musing. A sterling first wax outing from the young Bass Agenda.

Main Squeeze Remixes is available on Bass Agenda.

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