With struggle, resistance and clarity, The Finding is a welcomed breeze encompassing a plethora of auditory drenching that sinks into the subconscious and continues to […]
Author: Pietro Da Sacco
V/A :: Crazy Compilation #5 (Crazy Language)
Crazy Language are on the forefront of manifesting their unusually attractive sonic shapes that it’s no wonder artists like Yvat, Rec_Overflow, Randomform, AZ-Rotator, Lucidstatic (and […]
JIM GORDON :: Start. Continue. Don’t stop
A question and answer session with multi-talented electronic music pioneer, Jim Gordon. Enter the Escape Velocity Now CD giveaway by emailing [email protected] with your physical […]
n5MD :: 10 years later, 5 questions further (Part 1)
In this 10-year anniversary question and answer session (Part 1), Igloo Magazine poses five questions with three of n5’s current roster including SubtractiveLAD (Stephen Hummel), […]
Pietro Da Sacco :: Top lists for 2009
(January 2010) Top 10’s are always an interesting task; with so many releases passing through these physical and virtual doors, some titles offer more of […]
REWOUND :: Volume 13 By Pietro Da Sacco
(04.05.09) Spanning through multifaceted musical genre’s, there are always new gems to point your ears to. In Rewound Volume 13, we delve into some recent […]
Overview :: Digital::Nimbus Playlist #321
(03.29.09) [Ref. D::N Playlist #321] Mobthrow’s latest release for forward-thinking Spectraliquid (entitled Mutant Dubstep V3) ravages through mangled bass and thick percussion creating a storm […]