Dreissk :: The Finding (n5MD)

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With struggle, resistance and clarity, The Finding is a welcomed breeze encompassing a plethora of auditory drenching that sinks into the subconscious and continues to inspire.

It’s not thickened shoegaze, hazy post-industrial, carved ambient/drone or any other media driven genre-tag. The Finding is not past, current or future, nor is it wholly electronic, instrumental, symphonic, emotional or subtle. The Finding doesn’t rely on a formula, template or pre-conceived notion; it’s not just a collection of carefully composed sonic creations, nor a synopsis of n5MD’s thought-provoking direction. The Finding is, in fact, all of the above without being pretentious in any way; it’s a new window of sound ready to be opened and breathed in. A new plateau just over the hill and across the horizon; a careful balance between sheets of textured organics and minimal outbreaks of percussion.

Dreissk (aka Kevin Patzelt, Gaming Audio Director and Sound Sculptor) doesn’t hold back and brings with him a sense of purpose and defined control. Amongst the current n5MD roster, Dreissk sparks a new breed of musical-crossover, blending elements from n5’s past ten years and remoulding them into new shapes that are focused, compelled, and anomalous. With struggle, resistance and clarity, The Finding is a welcomed breeze encompassing a plethora of auditory drenching that sinks into the subconscious and continues to inspire.

With Dreissk’s discipline of engaged acoustic manipulation, The Finding unfolds with reserve and veers left of any stylistic pigeonhole. And for every possible interpretation of this release will be ten others; all of which will likely explain some form personal significance and meaning. In the end, The Finding can be summed as a mysterious shadow of audible beauty that wisps by, leaving nothing but fragments to consume and piece back together. And without relying on any one particular genre, the results are nothing short of astounding.

The Finding is out now on n5MD.

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