A relevant example of a contemporary electropop combination where our favorite synth machines meet minimalist rockin elements, guitar distortion and sweet pop singing. Somewhere between […]
Author: Philippe Blache
Zen Land :: Zen Land (Warped)
The musical strength of Zen Land lies in the fascinating and original use of transporting colorful raga-like patterns in a jazzy mood combined to powerful […]
Alphaxone :: Altered Dimensions (Cryo Chamber)
Well produced and voluntary absorbing, the sound sculptures of Altered Dimensions explore the confines of our consciousness, the deep vastness and parapsychological paradigms. Alphaxone is […]
VNDL :: Brelkal (The Irrational Media Society)
The musical identity guarantees a dynamic blend of influences for an original sound excursion through calmly floating, mysteriously thrilling soundscapes sustained by dynamic electro rhythmical […]
Sphäre Sechs :: Enceladus (Malignant)
Darkly and metaphysically vibrant sonorous pearl that enthralls the listener. After a first and highly noted release, Tiefschlaf, released in 2012 via Malignant Records, the […]
Leila Abdul-Rauf :: Insomnia (Malignant)
A tremendous collection of sonorous dreamscapes populated by delicately transporting visions, moods and feelings. After three sumptuously soothing and cinematic ambient-goth releases, including one opus […]
Yair Etziony :: Albion (False Industries) …and inspired mix!
Albion is a conceptual album whose thematic deals with cultural diffusion, global landscapes of ideas, mental forms and knowledge’s under the angle of the neo-colonialism’s […]
Kemek :: Forced Perspective (Self Released)
A self-published digital opus where Adam Douglas decides to challenge hermetical musical frontiers by giving to his original compositional signature an almost shoegazing modern dream […]