Stroon :: Triple Farewell (Exitab)

Bouncing around this Manichean soundworld are Stroon’s diminutive melodies, played on vibraphone and tinkly-tronics.

Stroon’s Triple Farewell is a peculiar juxtaposition of waves of soft, dimpled synthesizer sheets pelted with tin-can beats, some of them with sharp edges. The six-track EP is ably summed up in the title of the opening track, as the music seems constantly on the verge of “Splitting Apart” and becoming two separate entities, one half warm and comforting, the other cold and pointy and pretty dark. Bouncing around this Manichean soundworld are Stroon’s diminutive melodies, played on vibraphone and tinkly-tronics. Luckily, they are made of Nerf and don’t sustain any damage at all.

Triple Farewell is available on Exitab. [Release page]
