Syntax Erika & Lebed :: 10538KM EP (Detroit Underground)

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Another powerful panoramic of dense electrical sound fields seamlessly connecting North America and Eastern Europe, its epicenter located in Detroit.

Analog waves across the globe

“Analog waves across the globe,” sums up both of these (talented) musicians on this extended player—who are 10,538 kilometers apart—quite accurately. Both provide an impactful range of bass, rough distortion, and pulsating beats that feel firmly grounded. Undeniably flowing sonic ideas come to life from the scorching behemoth and technoid shapes and colors of “Not Round Island” and “South Haven Lighthouse,” to a more subdued crystallization featured on “Eben Ice Caves.” The Smoley remix of “Eben Ice Caves” takes on a minimal experimental direction with rhythmic electro thuds and background didgeridoo acid swells, while Danilenko’s remix of the same piece closes with blistered and mechanized techno as it eventually comes full circle with saturated synth waves. Another powerful panoramic of dense electrical sound fields seamlessly connecting North America and Eastern Europe, its epicenter located in Detroit.

10538KM is available on Detroit Underground. [Bandcamp]

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