Dalham :: Alive In Wonderland EP (Golden Ape)

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On Alive In Wonderland, Dalham (aka Suffolk countryside-based and London-residing Jon Michaelides) shifts slightly from his prior style of gauzy sound spheres and broken beats to slow motion, BOC-infused psychedelic semi-electro shapes.

On Alive In Wonderland, Dalham (aka Suffolk countryside-based and London-residing Jon Michaelides) shifts slightly from his prior style of gauzy sound spheres and broken beats to slow motion, BOC-infused psychedelic semi-electro shapes, which are particularly evident on the EP’s explosive opening track, “Sonoma Relic”—a definitive highlight to set the stage. The closing “Reality Wall,” features smoldering technoid structures surrounded by pseudo-industrial synth surges, while “Midnight Climax” features downtempo electronica and time-stretched synthesizer abstracts. The swirling, crunching rhythm of “Chrome Aberation” draws the listener deep into the void as it cascades through streams of glitch and soundtrack symbiotic linkages. Overall, a somber and coarsened aural trajectory that only Dalham can articulate so well and another top release to add to our Best of 2024 list.

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