V/A :: Clear Memory 012 (Clear Memory)

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A cornerstone of the Leipzig imprint has been drawing on local talent, gathering fellow machinists on compilations to showcase the talent of their city and their sound. Clear Memory 012 is the eighth such collection to date.

Few labels have the clarity of purpose of Clear Memory. A broad church, the Leipzig label has pursued lancing electro of clinical intent with curled EBM lip and tongue-in-cheek playfulness. A cornerstone of the imprint has been drawing on local talent, gathering fellow machinists on compilations to showcase the talent of their city and their sound. Clear Memory 012 is the eighth such collection to date.

The opening is a collaboration between Cyan85 and Int Main. “404 Error” is shredded, robot cut, frigid funk. Dark and foreboding, key stabs are further sharpened by piercing percussion. Hayter follows with his own brand of parred back body music before one of the label founders takes the helm. In fact, Robyrt Hecht, delivers two pieces to the 12”. First up is a remix of Varum’s “Up in the Air.” The original is a searing track of speeding snares and hip hop samples. “Robyrt’s Mindset Mix” slows down the tempo. Drums and synth-lines are dipped in a thick syrup of resonance, an electro-bass remake grabbing the mic with vocoder vocals leaving no room for misinterpretation. Hecht’s second track, “Stolen Letter,” is the lightest track of the sextet. Melodies are bright with daring key shifts opening up new possibilities in this extremely accomplished synth-pop inspired piece.  Such brightness is short-lived. DJ Detox serves up the slow, yet fierce, industrial wasteland of “Claims” before K40 closes proceedings with “Monolog.” Multifaceted, ghostly lyrics haunt raw drum patterns in this work of fire and brimstone.

 Clear Memory 012 continues the path of quality laid by the label since 2019. New names have been added to the growing roster of talent as well as new styles within the strictures of the imprint’s audio interests. Clear Memory, once again, demonstrating why it garners such respect amongst the faithful.

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