Xu :: Panpsychism (Twice Removed)

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Sound designer and multi-faceted experimental artist Nicola Fornasari (alias Xu) is back with a tremendous collection of cerebral dronescaping guitar abstracts and emotional electro-rockin’ resonances.

Xu :: Panpsychism (Twice Removed)

Sound designer and multi-faceted experimental artist Nicola Fornasari (alias Xu) is back with a tremendous collection of cerebral dronescaping guitar abstracts and emotional electro-rockin’ resonances. This new album is signed on the recommended Twice Removed (great defender and promoter of organic and intimate ambient works from renown and emerging artists around).

Published as a limited CDR edition Panpsychism offers a vast gallery of harsh droned-out guitar reverbs with nicely moving micro-melodious lines which rise at the surface. The track “Hive Mind” sums it up with perfection. Titles such as “Rise” approaches a more kinetic abstract electronic mood with static e-guitar legatos and deep pulsating bass frequencies; almost a subterranean and spacious dark ambient-ish piece. My favorite track here is “We’ll meet on the Unified Field” with its plaintive, cloudy and echoing evanescent beauty found of textured and desolate guitar sequences. A very immersive and darkly vibrant track with the droning, deliciously hypnagogic electric mantra piece “Of All Things.”

Warmly recommended listening experience for avid listeners of lonely guitar minimalscapes and noisy drone ecstasies (from Fennesz, Oneohtrix point never, Ben Frost, Solipsism and Expo 70). An impressive work which brings to the fore a more gauzy, spooky and darkly meditative inclination to Nicola Fornasari’s personal production.

Panpsychism is available on Twice Removed.

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