Establishing a benchmark for high-definition electronic experimentation, US-based Point Source Electronic Arts explores expansive landscapes steeped in post-industrial terrain, striking a balance between explosive glitch mechanisms and delicate atmospheric textures.
Tag: Unterm Rad
TOKEE :: Альбатрос Remixes (Mahorka)
Surrounded by good friends contributing their own interpretations—including Abdicant, Access To Arasaka, Valance Drakes, Jérôme Chassagnard, Unterm Rad, Asshole Galaxy, Abdicant, Weldroid, Grosso Gadgetto, and Mitoma—”Альбатрос” turns into an avalanche of sonic detritus.
V/A :: Genome 4 (Point Source Electronic Arts)
The artists on the roster, each crafting their own fractured soundscapes, represent the state of experimental electronics in a decisive way as the appropriately named imprint actively pursues all types of visual-audio creation—bringing together a wide range of talented musicians.
Unterm Rad :: Unfinished Business (Point Source Electronic Arts)
Often paralleled among artists such as Richard Devine, Xanopticon, and Qebrus, the Chicago native tilts sound forms into a microcosm of glitch and mechanical gaps, exposing what is arguably the pinnacle of his discography.
V/A :: Artist Showcase – 4th Edition (Point Source Electronic Arts)
The Artist Showcase series offers a community of like-minded sonic sculptors a platform to present their enigmatic but perplexing structures for the world to interpret.
V/A :: Genome 3 (Point Source Electronic Arts)
Each musician displays their own knack for agitated electrical mayhem, some dive into grittier industrial spaces, while others venture into modular fizz-fuzz acrobatics.
V/A :: Artist Showcase – 3rd Edition (Point Source Electronic Arts)
Point Source Electronic Arts continue to expand their sonic reach with well-curated compilations displaying a knack for abstract electronics in all of its wonderfully skewed shapes and forms.
Mesaverde :: Triangulate (Point Source Electronic Arts)
It’s all here, triangulated for us mere mortals on Triangulate—an album we didn’t know was absolutely essential for the burgeoning industrial glitch scene.
V/A :: Accretion (Tympanik Audio, 5-year Anniversary Compilation)
For fifteen dollars, the price of cappuccinos and pastry for two, you get half a gigabyte of high-quality MP3s, which amount to nearly four hours […]