Highlighting hundreds of releases in 2024 (and allowing December to set in), we’ve compiled a list of our favorites along with links to their corresponding Igloo reviews and release pages. Since the lists are arranged alphabetically by artist—and a snapshot of tracks are featured in our Soundcloud playlist along with selected Bandcamp tracks and random artwork selections—there are, as usual, no winners or runners-up.
Tag: Keef Baker
Keef Baker :: K (Self Released)
Keef has the music production comprehension on how to make his tunes reflect old-school references we love without trying to emulate the 90’s sound as if the album was made back then. His music sounds fresh and up-to-date in such a way that could even remodel some of our recollections.
Nimon :: The Slow Atrophy of Hope (Self-Released)
A vividly imaginative, organic, and icy ambient album mainly built on flexible guitar drones, detached eerie patterns and reverberant contemplative clouds of sounds. One blissful […]
Displacer :: Curse of the Black Vinyl (Hymen / Crime League)
The sounds on offer here are rooted in dark drum ‘n’ bass and breakbeat but defy strict categorization as they push into uncharted territory of […]
Nimon :: The King Is Dead (Ant-Zen)
The King Is Dead is recognizable, profoundly atmospheric and dreamily ecstatic, with slow, warm and short-form guitar ambient based sound tapestries. A true heart-breaking and magnificent epilogue. Uncompromising defender of […]
Displacer :: Electric Dreams (The Crime League)
An assured and mature sound that manages to rescue IDM from its solipsistic focus on conceptual electronica. Displacer’s Electric Dreams is an often dark, moody […]
Taking on many genre shapes, Neoteric Components expands and contracts its hardened outer layers to reveal a flickering core made from molten techno, abstract industrial […]
Nimon :: Drowning In Good Intentions (Ant-Zen)
Not only does Nimon let it all out, he allows the listener to take it all in—a smorgasbord of infected drones, ambiences and panoramic distortions […]
Maduro :: Catching Bullets (Octofoil)
No matter how disparate this might sound, everything is held together through the theme of carnival-esque gypsy sounds and samples from turn-of-the-century phonographs. [Release page] […]