Even though these tracks were created for different projects, Shards doesn’t feel like a mere compilation. Instead, it plays like a carefully curated journey through Hecker’s brooding, textural world.
Tag: Goth
Poladroïd :: Danse Macabre EP (META MOTO)
The five track Danse Macabre (including an added bonus) is an analog blend of old-school electro-nics, Kraftwerk vs. Drexciya robotics, and punctuated machine funk.
Demetrio Cecchitelli :: Unity (ROHS!)
Cecchitelli’s style reminds me a bit of Angelo Badalamenti, a chosen soundtrack composer for David Lynch, among others. It is much like his, but with some Leo Kottke added, with a similar style of guitar melodies.
Derrick Stembridge | Mike Petruna :: Cryptic Logic (Labile)
Derrick Stembridge and Mike Petruna’s Cryptic Logic is an easily-digested industrial album with atmospheric aspects. It is mindful of Front Line Assembly’s more atmospheric works, with dystopian and futuristic elements.
Disorganism :: Fear of Nature (Adventurous Music)
If a progression exists in Disorganism’s Fear Of Nature, it is from remains of authentic nature to odder and stranger combinations of organic and artificial elements, until the two are impossible to distinguish.
Darkswoon :: Human Faults Remixed EP (Streaming Premiere)
Back in February 2019, we reviewed Portland-based trio Darkswoon’s third album, BIND, and the subsequent months have been hectic ones for the band. Between relentless […]
Darkswoon :: BIND (Icy Cold)
The range of moods and styles expressed on BIND‘s nine tracks is impressive, as each represents a distinct direction and set of influences but manage […]
ADULT. :: This Behavior (Dais)
The span of genres (punk, industrial, electro, europop) fit together in the sense that, if you were a fan of one, you were probably a […]
Leila Abdul-Rauf :: Insomnia (Malignant)
A tremendous collection of sonorous dreamscapes populated by delicately transporting visions, moods and feelings. After three sumptuously soothing and cinematic ambient-goth releases, including one opus […]