The album is at its best when you hear the signature Audiobulb sound of minimalist, at times almost microscopic, glitchy ambient IDM, but there’s also some reverb drenched ambient drone.
Tag: Glitch
Lost Cat Magnet :: Experiments in Terra (Heterodox)
Eight darker strewn industrial-dub strands are presented by Lost Cat Magnet (aka Ricardo Acevedo) on Experiments in Terra.
Fragile X :: Human Condition (Cue Dot)
In this moving 9-tracker Human Condition, Gorecki explores emotive forms that are delicate and subtle on the broad strokes, with intensifying eclectic details baked within.
Özcan Saraç :: Copnvvvs (Kaer’Uiks)
Özcan Saraç creates fields of research using information processing and structures, with the purpose of questioning the human being’s relation to the universal system, logic and political mechanisms.
Neuro… No Neuro :: Faces & Fragments (Audiobulb)
Neuro… No Neuro’s ruminative plateaus featured on Faces & Fragments understand the omniscience as the artistry within each track shares its lush fragmented elements absorbed in such preciously decayed increments.
Elin Piel :: Satsuma Sunday (Muzan Editions)
Each track captured as a live performance stands as a singular moment with developed meaning as each thought swirls and concocts fresh images and understandings with repeat listening.
Gábor Lázár :: Boundary Object (Planet Mu)
What we see progress across these eight live tracks captured on Boundary Object, is dynamic shifts in time signatures that bounce yet hold a glitch mentality.
V/A :: TUNCD2 (Móatún 7)
TUNCD2 delves into the trenches, delivering a cross-section of form and function, displaying a variety of genres and sub-genres.