Mind-bending and engaging minimalist soundtracks captured in eleven sonic miniatures.
Tag: Clicks’n Cuts
Precenphix / Le Verger / Loopbasedzero / Orbiscorpus :: (Relative Shelter) EP (Not Yet Remembered)
This half-dozen selection from Not Yet Remembered features an impressive This half-dozen selection from Not Yet Remembered features an impressive lineup, bringing together skewed electronic sounds from Loopbasedzero, Orbiscopus, Le Verger, and Precenphix in a frantic sonic feast that is both mysterious and eerie.lineup, bringing together skewed electronic sounds of Loopbasedzero, Orbiscopus, Le Verger, and Precenphix in a frantic sonic feast that is both mysterious and eerie.
V/A :: Fifteenth Listen (People Can Listen)
Bright and bubbling, turbulent and treacherous, cascading and colliding, each piece dives into rhythmic transformations, somehow linking to form flexible electrical connectors that we continue to gravitate towards.
datewithdeath :: “Whist” b/w Neuro… No Neuro Remix (Poverty Electronics)
Brittle melodicism captured in a brief two-chapter sonic foray.
Abdicant :: In-Group (Mahorka)
A calm set of aural vistas drenched with reverberant and blissful low-frequency strands that all mesh together.
Deli Kuvveti :: Erato EP (3OP)
Where minuscule errors loop, dither, and fade, these precious slices, while seemingly arcane, tend to explore organic worlds; their blissful bristles and tangible electrical machinery merge with expansive and detuned instruments that we can’t quite pin down.
Retic :: mind blind found sound (Self Released)
Reminding us of earlier times when artists like Arovane, Phonem, Lackluster (et al) crafted delicately woven and fresh electronics, Retic traverses familiar sonic terrain.
Rontronik :: Majestic Mosaics (Self Released)
Maneuvering through dilapidated ambient-electronics, alien concrète reverberations and clicks’n’cuts, data swirl and digital flutter.