V/A :: Fifteenth Listen (People Can Listen)

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Bright and bubbling, turbulent and treacherous, cascading and colliding, each piece dives into rhythmic transformations, somehow linking to form flexible electrical connectors that we continue to gravitate towards.

A myriad of deconstructed electronics

Revitalizing IDM and a swath of experimental electronic music sub-genres, People Can Listen continues to cultivate and display a wide range of musicians—each exploring their sonic voice among a variety of talent on the Listen series, now at its fifteenth station stop. Bright and bubbling, turbulent and treacherous, cascading and colliding, each piece dives into rhythmic transformations, somehow linking to form flexible electrical connectors that we continue to gravitate towards. Ambient pulsars and saturated beats drift outside the margins as Fifteenth Listen pulls together an expansive 15-track assortment with a myriad of deconstructed electronics: glitch, downtempo, soundtrack, braindance, acid, and blips’n bleeps to satisfy the astute listeners’ palette. Compliments to standouts including Samplequence, Veelargo, AtOm_AnT, Firnwald, Collagist, Kilmarth, Fascinating Earthbound Objects, and D-Fried.

Fifteenth Listen is available on People Can Listen. [Bandcamp]

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