V/A :: Thirteenth Listen (People Can Listen)

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As the series unfortunately comes to an end, now’s the time to catch up to the plethora of sound sculptors the imprint has opened our ears to.

Delectable IDM audio nuggets

The final installment in the Listen series, People Can Listen again delivers on delectable IDM audio nuggets on this closing chapter. Blissful, sun-soaked downtempo grooves are delivered right at the onset with Anderdog’s “Dog Eat Dog.” The clanging bells and shuffling instrumental of Fnordism’s “Porcelain Shadows” takes us through Squarepusher-styled jazz, and yet Thirteenth Listen has a lot in store with an expansive 20 tracks.

The Mogilev, Belarus imprint culls some of the finest in the glitch/electronic scene—Nariel’s “Sunflower” is a faster-paced rhythmic sputter that blurs the senses with its mechanical fluid. With such an expressive compilation, People Can Listen always follow-through. Highlights take many forms as artists like Kothyus, Inoperative System, AtOm_AnT, b0t23, The Tin Box, and Anitta unfold a myriad of sonic styles blending broken beats, blistered bass, and bumpy bleeps across arcane terrain. As the series unfortunately comes to an end, now’s the time to catch up to the plethora of sound sculptors the imprint has opened our ears to.

Thirteenth Listen is available on People Can Listen. [Bandcamp]

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