V/A :: Tenth Listen (People Can Listen)

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Tenth Listen is a behemoth compilation that unfolds sparkling sound sculptures and showcases clearly that IDM is alive and well.

A compilation that unfolds sparkling (IDM) sound sculptures

Sixteen tracks spread over an hour and a half, Tenth Listen continues People Can Listen‘s ongoing compilation series highlighting some of the finest obscure and known electronic producers across this circular cosmic spot.

Highlights take shape with AtOm_AnT’s lounge-infused downtempo bristles on “LiTtLe_LoCoMoTiVe,” D-Fried’s delicate ambient bubbles featured on “Unstable,” JFrank’s crisped glitch and fizz-fuzz beats on “Gain of Function,” and there’s much more. Each piece evolves with subdued texture and magnetic groove, all seemingly crafted from outer space. Jo Carius’ “Melting Shades” elicits pitter-patter acid notes as Munit’s “Superbunny” slips, shuffles, and shakes gritty beatwork across static noises that fans of classic Plod and Plone would enjoy. Nearfield’s remix of Oranoid’s “Entirety” is a bustling IDM rendition—flashing back to an earlier time when the genre opened new sonic spaces.

Ambient bits and bobbles come from QuBic88’s translucent “$amt73” and Blochemy’s solemn and glitchy “Rone” that pulls at the heartstrings. Fnord, Vardenzenix, The Tin Box and Kilmarth offer more upfront drum splatter breaks and bass as Tiamacr decimates large mechanical slabs and eventually cascades into cinematic heaven with “Contact 3.” Not forgetting Project Hybrid’s delicate tones and drones, Oe’s uptempo electronica synth auras, Kilmath’s fractured light and dark melodics and Nefon Tapes & Potential DifferenSe’s dark ambient traverse across organic burrows and instrumental crevasses, Tenth Listen is a behemoth compilation that unfolds sparkling sound sculptures and showcases clearly that IDM is alive and well.

Tenth Listen is available on People Can Listen. [Bandcamp]

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