Highlighting hundreds of releases in 2024 (and allowing December to set in), we’ve compiled a list of our favorites along with links to their corresponding Igloo reviews and release pages. Since the lists are arranged alphabetically by artist—and a snapshot of tracks are featured in our Soundcloud playlist along with selected Bandcamp tracks and random artwork selections—there are, as usual, no winners or runners-up.
Tag: Central Processing Unit
Global Goon :: Adopt Me — Evel Records celebrates its 50th release
The Cádiz, Spain-based Evel Records imprint was established in 2015 with a strong passion for cultivating definitive braindance and abstract sound structures. Nine years later and the label celebrates its 50th release in 2024 with none other than Global Goon and his long ranging album Adopt Me.
Karsten Pflum :: Liars EP (Central Processing Unit)
You really can’t go wrong with Karsten Pflum, and he continues in his vibrant, acid-tinged electro-nics, full stop, for Central Processing Unit.
Igloo Magazine :: Best of 2023
After covering several hundred releases in 2023, many notables—including links to their respective Igloo reviews or release pages—are cataloged here. As usual, there are no winners or runners-up as the lists are alphabetized by artist and selected tracks are featured on our Soundcloud playlist.
NULLPTR :: Recursor (Central Processing Unit)
Eddie Symons’ Recursor EP was released in October 2023, and his NULLPTR moniker maintains its rhythmic electro momentum.
Silicon Scally :: Soft Robotics EP (Central Processing Unit)
Soft Robotics indeed, this is refined robot music with a heartbeat that remains timeless.
Si Begg :: Energie Electrique EP (Central Processing Unit)
From what seem to be effortless rhythms and textures morphed around robotic synth shapes, Energie Electrique is unsurprisingly a perfect fit for Sheffield-based CPU.
Blackploid :: Enter Universe (Central Processing Unit)
Across the 12 tracks of the album, expect loads of fun atmosphere, effects, synth melodies, space concepts, vocoders, and more in this vast universe Blackploid explores.
Igloo Magazine :: Best of 2022
After covering several hundred releases in 2022, many notables—including links to their respective Igloo reviews or release pages—are cataloged here. As usual, there are no winners or runners-up as the lists are alphabetized by artist and selected tracks are featured on our Soundcloud playlist.