A centerpiece for the infinitely glitch-filled panoramic of 2024.
Tag: Best of 2024
Ton Mise :: Moon Behind The Eyelids EP (Satellite Era)
An incredibly captivating extended player that reimagines electronica from a few decades ago and revitalizes it in the Roaring Twenties.
Frank Riggio :: Dri (Hymen)
Developing a completely original style, the album feels cinematic and overflowing with a variety of intense field recordings and transformed found sounds.
Exan :: Offset One EP (Errorgrid)
Offset One wraps things up in just over 30 minutes, yet it has enough energy to fuel an entire album.
Poborsk :: Theta Cadence (Kaer’Uiks)
Dark electrical passageways never overstay their welcome, guiding us through deserted corridors that beg you to investigate further.
Sedatic :: Rhea (People Can Listen)
The ten featured tracks contain such a potent barrage of gritty electrical manifests that it’s hard to focus on any one tune without also associating with its neighboring siblings.
b0t23 + inoperative system :: Reticle EP (Patterned Media)
This collaboration started the same time as the label in 2021 (during the global pandemic) as we struggled to reconnect with the world around us. Track ideas were started in Spain by inoperative system as simple sketches and finished in the USA by b0t23.
Hollan Holmes :: Sacred Places (Spotted Peccary Music)
“Not too dense while remaining always complex and multifaceted, seemingly forever a powerful deep boom marks each cycle explosions and everlasting resistance that in the end sails away on the ocean never to return…”