An incredibly captivating extended player that reimagines electronica from a few decades ago and revitalizes it in the Roaring Twenties.

Blending scattered soundtracks with steadfast electronics
Ton Mise, a sonic storyteller from Nagano, Japan, creates Moon Behind The Eyelids, an incredibly captivating extended player that reimagines electronica from a few decades ago and revitalizes it in the Roaring Twenties. These carefully woven soundscapes are full of emotion and energy, flexing around ambient backbones. Opening track “Perfect Square Cluster Of Lampposts” demonstrates the electro-nics of alien rhythms, which are simply saccharine. On tracks like “Light Seen Through Gaps In Buildings” and the funky breaks of “Iron Whale Takeoff,” contemplative yet enduring rhythms flow smoothly, but Ton Mise gives room for breakcore branches to snap on “Medium-Sized Tautological Machine,” seeping into our psyche. “Tenbep” features glitch-n-bass, and the last title track skillfully blends drill-n-bass to take us into the upper atmosphere. The condensed beats on the this EP are some of the best we’ve heard this year, blending scattered soundtracks with steadfast electronics.
Moon Behind The Eyelids is available on Satellite Era. [Bandcamp]