Robert Logan is no tourist, but an adventurer who is unafraid to get close to the local flora and fauna wherever his music takes him.
Tag: Berlin School
Craig Padilla & Zero Ohms :: To Sleep On Stellar Winds (Spotted Peccary Music)
To Sleep On Stellar Winds is an epic space music album with Berlin-school influences that feature unique blends of modular synthesizers and wind instruments, to carry all listeners floating along the cosmic breezes to the outer edges of the universe, and beyond.
Ian Boddy :: 25 Years of DiN
“The DiN ambient label was set up by Ian Boddy in 1999 to release ambient electronica that bridged the gap between the analogue sound of the early 70’s synth pioneers and the digital soundscapes of the more experimental modern exponents of electronic music.” Now celebrating their 25th Anniversary with a colossal 20 track compilation (CD/Digital), Ian Boddy discusses the label and its history with Philippe Blache.
V/A :: 25 Years of DiN (DiN)
With versality, skills, and a delectable sense of transcendental escapism, every musical contribution brings tone textures, patterns, timbral experimentations, harmonic progressions, and processed sound motifs to ravish your ears.
Field Lines Cartographer :: Portable Reality Generator (DiN)
The modular maven channels something of an early TD sound-feel via post-Kosmische textures, motifs, and rhythms; new projections in the head cinema, strangely familiar, yet otherworldly.
Hollan Holmes :: Sacred Places (Spotted Peccary Music)
“Not too dense while remaining always complex and multifaceted, seemingly forever a powerful deep boom marks each cycle explosions and everlasting resistance that in the end sails away on the ocean never to return…”
Futuregrapher :: Geirþjófsfjörður (Neotantra)
As a whole, Geirþjófsfjörður has a touch of the epic without being obtuse. It’s a fine balance and finely achieved….
Hollan Holmes :: Emerald Waters (Spotted Peccary)
Employing the full range of synthesizer keyboard magic, with sparkling short repeating sequenced runs of notes and rhythmic elements without any drums or traditional percussion. […]
Beta Consciousness :: Synesthesia (…TXT)
The ambient pieces in particular have a genuinely filmic essence. Epic proportions are scaled by some very minimalist productions.