The sensation is not of a linear event but a cyclical one, constantly ebbing, flowing, evolving and repeating. In these pieces Davis seeks to enfold, embrace and uplift the listener with these enveloping works.
Tag: Atmosphere
Daniel Vickers & Sergio Mariani_MRN :: New Dawn EP (Audiobulb)
Two seasoned musicians covering upper atmospheric realms offer a reassuring, charming, yet fleeting escape with New Dawn.
Dissolved :: Amber Rooms (Dissolvedamberrooms)
With Amber Rooms, a ten-piece suite recorded earlier in 2024, Dissolved makes another comeback and continues to build on the foundations of melodic and kaleidoscope electronics.
Aelk Minsur :: A EP (Self Released)
Aelk Minsur keeps vanishing into the most remote reaches of space with a surrounding thick fog, leading us into uncharted and intriguing passageways. Incredibly bizarre and worth the trip.