Greg Davis :: Full Spectrum 3​/​7 (Autumn)

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The sensation is not of a linear event but a cyclical one, constantly ebbing, flowing, evolving and repeating. In these pieces Davis seeks to enfold, embrace and uplift the listener with these enveloping works.

Full Spectrum 3/7 is the latest release from Greg Davis, a composer long known in the New England experimental and electronic music scene as well as an internationally recognized artist (and owner of Autumn Records in Burlington, Vermont). A multi-instrumentalist, Davis works his magic into his music with an otherworldly sensibility, part Buddhist, part aliens at the end of Close Encounter of The Third Kind.

In Full Spectrum 3/7 we are greeted with clouds of sound, tones borne on loose aggregated clusters that rise, travel, pass then fall aside as other emerge. Weaving sound into this form is no easy feat as it can quickly get lost to meander or self-indulgent puttering. Especially with tracks of around twenty minutes in length, the point can be lost quickly. But Davis has been doing it for long enough that despite a lack of hooks or catchy tidbits, one’s attention is drawn and held by these shapes hovering around the speakers, these tones moving through air like snowflakes vaporizing in sunlight. The sensation is not of a linear event but a cyclical one, constantly ebbing, flowing, evolving and repeating. In these pieces Davis seeks to enfold, embrace and uplift the listener with these enveloping works.

“Full Spectrum Part 3” is from the original 2009 sessions and reworked during the past couple of years for this release. 

“Full Spectrum Part 7” was originally crafted during 2011-2012 for a live performance at the IAC in Villeurbanne, France on February 16, 2012. This piece was performed a few more times since then and it kept evolving and growing over the years into the final version you hear on this release.

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