A welcomed and short-lived musical couplet that we seriously hope leads to additional audio works from the same session(s).
Tag: Ambient Electronica
Dr. Atmo & DF Tram :: Wish For The Sun EP (SEALT)
The ambient maestro, Dr. Atmo, and the downtempo electronic music producer, DF Tram, have collaborated on an album that is really out of this world.
Michael Brückner & Guests :: Eleventh Sun – reVisited (Self Released)
Fans of chilling electronic music, soothing soundscapes from past to present will be easily seduced by the collection gathered in this special edition.
Moon Fear Moon :: Memories That Keep EP (High Grade Media)
For fans of melancholic electronics and calm ambient meanderings, we’re expecting these memories to keep.
Lav :: A New Landscape (Past Inside The Present)
While not exactly minimal, (as the songs sound quite large) the tracks are somewhat stripped back and given lots of breathing room within themselves, utilizing a less is more approach with great effect.
Cognition Delay :: Strange Sedatives (Rednetic)
Cognition Delay provides a surplus of drifting organic molecules of dust and debris where the listener never quite knows what will happen next.
Permutation :: Epicycles EP (Permutation)
Permutation are true sonic artisans, two who have been raised on the traditions of the best UK and US machine music.
V/A :: Healing Together: A Compilation For Mental Health Recovery (Past Inside the Present)
Delicate by nature and transformative throughout—this album in its entirety massages thoughts and creates free space for imagination to gracefully calm.
Elsewhereness revisited #17 cabinfeverdreams
Elsewhereness revisited is an occasional feature documenting the drift at the margins: ambient gasbagging and blurb blah, ’tube-d, ’cloud-ed ’n’ ’camp-ed up, complete with new companion mix, Elsewhereness revisited #17. […]