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Igloo Magazine is an electronic music e’zine publishing articles about current, classic and upcoming music from around the globe. Our mission is to introduce readers […]


(01.01.07) Hans Peter Lindstrøm is one of the true anomalies of the electro world. Electro artists usually live, eat, drink and breathe electronic music. Growing […]


(11.10.06) Andres Trentemøller has been storming the remix scene this last year or so, artfully merging the elegiac bombast of electro-house with the subtleties of […]


(10.09.05) I will begin this review with a paraphrase from the included one-sheet: “This album was recorded very shortly after me and Gunni met Kristin […]


::..:::…..:..::….:::::..:::..:::::::……:::…::.:::….::::..:..:::…::…….::::: Ant :: Uncontrolled Environment EP (Angström Records, CD) A hostile environment of fuzzy electrical devices slides its way between minimal sound-escapes on Ant’s Uncontrolled […]