Zurvan :: Chapter IV (Rubber City Noise)

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A quiet but restive record, as if its own creation were still unfurling and unsure, understated gothic ambient slowly trying to make shapes out of shapelessness and separate dark from light.

Zurvan 'Chapter IV'Having not read chapters one to three, I hope I am not entering the middle of the story having missed important narrative details. On the other hand, this “creation tale” is based on Zoroastrian cosmology and Zurvan is the god of infinity, so I suppose it stretches so far both backward and forward in time, that exact chronological location is irrelevant.

Zurvan is James Bryan Parks and Ram Youseffi and Chapter IV is writhing, moulten drones framed by five Rimbaudian, French symbolist titles likening the microcosm—the human body, to the macrocosm—”Skin Like the Sky,” “Bones Like the Mountains,” “Veins Like the Rivers.”

It’s a quiet but restive record, as if its own creation were still unfurling and unsure, understated gothic ambient slowly trying to make shapes out of shapelessness and separate dark from light. By “Veins Like the Rivers,” the fourth, twenty-two-minute long track, distinct lines have separated themselves from the great, roiling mass and a landscape begins to be carved, and on the final track, begins to cool and harden.

Chapter IV is available on Rubber City Noise. [Experimedia]

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