TRDLX :: Dystopia (VoxxoV)

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Shaped timbres, unyielding low-end, simmering extraterrestrial electronics and calm ambient sheets all tend to unravel succinctly.

Rummaging through dark dub infiltrated corridors—not unlike early-era Einoma, Traject and RD—Dystopia explores the outer edges of echoed bass and creative sound design. Shaped timbres, unyielding low-end, simmering extraterrestrial electronics and calm ambient sheets all tend to unravel succinctly. Microscopic organisms embedded in analog machinery, TRDLX creates vast sonic plateaus filled with spacious synths scavenging for patch cables. Combing minimized audio architecture and rhythmic slow-motion electro, Dystopia is a solid foray into turbulent glitch and definitive abstract bass music. A release that easily climbs to the top of our best of 2014 lists.

Dystopia is available on VoxxoV.

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