Simona Zamboli :: A laugh will bury you (Mille Plateaux)

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Timing these new works to enter the world on Friday the 13th seems as a heavily premeditated arrangement; each track is a taunt and jest as whilst we slowly eclipse towards warmer times…

Tapping into tangled emotional values and anxiety ridden beliefs

Building upon the steady catalog of releases on Detroit Underground and Mille Plateaux, Italian producer and sound enforcer Simona Zamboli returns to the latter with their latest and most thought-provoking work to date A laugh will bury you. Rhythmically challenging and saturated by design, Simona Zamboli takes us on a big-room atmospherics experience; every surface in this dodecahedron sneering with gastly expressions, tapping into tangled emotional values and anxiety ridden beliefs. It is as beautiful as it is ugly; like that of a horror—as much as it is hard to look away—there is something within the terror that keeps one eye maintaining a glance at all times.

As we figure our way through each notion that is placed upon us, there are after-thoughts from the prior engagements that seem to sit clinging behind also. The title track is full of feelings that is presented in a very cognitive way; you are digesting the present whilst simultaneously recalling the past to help guide yourself stronger with each step within the process—much like that of relationships, which is what the LP feels strongly based upon.

Timing these new works to enter the world on Friday the 13th seems as a heavily premeditated arrangement; each track is a taunt and jest as whilst we slowly eclipse towards warmer times, we are starkly reminded that another winter shall come bringing with it darker durations.

Simona Zamboli continues to take further strides in experimental electronics in this outing. Personal selections include, “Underworld” and “Movement.”

A laugh will bury you is available on Mille Plateaux. [Bandcamp]

Simona Zamboli – Haunting Ruined Landacapes from F i l m i c o on Vimeo.

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