Simona Zamboli joins another one of electronic music’s mainstay labels Detroit Underground for their latest exploration into sound design with Loisirs.

Glitched-out electronica within darker progressive realms
Engaging from the offset Simona Zamboli joins another one of electronic music’s mainstay labels Detroit Underground for their latest exploration into sound design with Loisirs. Continuing to build upon her catalogue, with a handful of self-releases and most recently the LP Ethernity on Mille Plateaux—we see Simona Zamboli steer away from her techno phonetics and develop on her experimental nature as they channel IDM rhythms and glitched-out electronica within darker progressive realms.
Mostly mid to long form, these performance based excursions provide us with an insight to Simona Zamboli’s direction as they explore new territory. At times steps are gently placed giving us a moment to stop and stare at the surroundings, this is demonstrated early on in “Loungerie”—the pacing is just right, instead of forced progressions sticking to a layout this release is dynamic by touch and sees composure at the heart of it. Zamboli does not hold back though, as if we hear their narrative’s confidence grow throughout each piece, by the time we hit “Live Fast, Die Young,” all caution has been thrown into the wind as some more dance-orientated stances make their way to the forefront.
Other highlights include, “Blurry on me,” combining de-tuned synthesis and pounding un-syncopated kicks into an intoxicating fuel that would have you naturally swaying. Finally brace yourself for “Transilvania,” that takes a slightly more industrial route, proving again Simona Zamboli is not afraid to test herself within various sub-genres.
Undefined experimental electronics at its best.
Loisirs is available on Detroit Underground. [Bandcamp]