The entire album strays very little from cool, austere techno, over funky trap infused beats, and maintains a very specific kind of vibe—deep, somewhat melancholy, summertime cruising, windows open.

Summertime cruising, windows open
This release from the excellent Sheffield-based label Central Processing Unit is a little hard to categorize. On one hand there are clearly Detroit roots here, with a polished, pop sensibility, and an updated, modern sound. And at the same time it’s still firmly in the funky ambient-dance sector as well. The entire album strays very little from cool, austere techno, over funky trap infused beats, and maintains a very specific kind of vibe—deep, somewhat melancholy, summertime cruising, windows open. Moments throughout will probably pull you back to some 90s nostalgia, tracing hints of BoC, Brothomstates or Adam Johnson, and briefly veering into surrealist IDM territory, if only slightly.
Betamax is available on CPU. [Bandcamp]