These are works of musique concrète recalling the radiophonic atmospheres in vogue in the fifties and sixties and now seeing a sound resurgence as the medium of tape is revitalized and resurrected for composing.

A cinematic soundtrack
At the start of this short release, glittering tones sparkle and shine. But soon things go into a descent, down into an abyss. These tracks were made from loops recorded on a portable mono tape recorder and give everything a sheen of glistening hiss and haze, propelling the journey that is Onepointwo’s Voyages Extraordinaires” a cinematic soundtrack to the Jules Verne series of science fiction adventure novels of the same name. Here we enter a world that is reminiscent of old fifties films. The tapes are covered with dust, and laden with reverb. The music evokes an atmosphere of wonder and trepidation as steps are taken into unknown landscapes. The journey starts with hope and bright electro sounds but soon moves into dark uncertainty that does not relent. It is a short journey, clocking in at just around twenty-one or twenty-two minutes give or take.
Tape is revitalized and resurrected ::
Onepointwo is sampling the sounds of Greek pop from the 70s here among other things. Even if I knew the music he used, I’m not sure I would recognize it. Everything on this little micro-adventure seems utterly transformed by the processes they have used to manipulate the sounds. These are works of musique concrète recalling the radiophonic atmospheres in vogue in the fifties and sixties and now seeing a sound resurgence as the medium of tape is revitalized and resurrected for composing.
When Jules Verne was writing his stories, science was still a cause of excitement. Now it is as much a cause of anxiety. What dangerous creation will next come from the mind of a scientist and escape the lab into the wilds? What invention will next disrupt both society and the fragile ecosystems we inhabit? This is how voyages of discovery can become so ominous. Yet at the same time, if we don’t go on the journey we may never make the connections between the different fields of knowledge that will be so necessary to our collective futures. The music starts buoyant and hopeful, like someone about to go on a ride in a hot air balloon, and ends down in the depths alongside those who drill down to the earths center, or sink beneath the waves to the bottom of the sea. The adventures that started with hope soon shows their true nature as unexpected exigencies emerge, threatening the safety of all concerned. It wouldn’t be an adventure without at least some danger.
Fans of dissonant textures and gritty resonant hum will find much to enjoy on this quick excursion into the unknown.
Voyages Extraordinaires is available on Human Geography. [Bandcamp]