Luciano Maggiore & Francesco Brasini :: How to increase light in the ear (Boring Machines)

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The listener is ineffably immersed into a vibrant tapestry of vital if not magical or mystical continuous sound forms, spherical moves and spectral waves which metaphorically characterize a relation to a complex living system, reflecting the magnetic forces of the macrocosmos.

[Release page] How to increase light in the ear is the second release from the Italian duet Luciano Maggiore and Franscesco Brasini, also signed on the fascinating underground label Boring Machines. In this effort, the two composers approached the phenomenological, inner-power of sound textures and timbres. Various mixtures of timbral drones and long-tonal clusters have been incorporated to a wide range of sonic possibilities. The whole soundscaping epic track is focused on circulating, rotating process and microtonal fluctuations. The listener is ineffably immersed into a vibrant tapestry of vital if not magical or mystical continuous sound forms, spherical moves and spectral waves which metaphorically characterize a relation to a complex living system, reflecting the magnetic forces of the macrocosmos. The slow moving harmonic progressions occupy the entire sound space to invite the listener to mentally entrance into a sort of mesmeric solar ecstasy.

Radical and absorbing at the same time, How to increase light in the ear is in the continuation of the energetic color sound aesthetism suggested by electronic visionary avant-garde composers such as Giancinto Scelsi, Tristan Murail, Charlemagne Palestine, John Oswald and by post-serial musical approaches. Absolutely delightful, neuronal and timbral sonorous experience. An ambitious phenomenological self-reflective investigation to electronic composition.

How to increase light in the ear is available on Boring Machines. [Release page]

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