Kayla Painter :: Self-Titled (Self-Released)

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A gentle and subtle journey of quirky samples, floaty ambience, interesting rhythms, sultry vocals and the odd bit of low end to keep you on your toes. It is a laid back affair that is suited to end of the day listening, or maybe a lazy Sunday afternoon in the sun.

Kayla Painter 'Self-Titled'

Kayla Painter - EP - Kayla Painter Kayla Painter has just released her self titled and self released EP. I’ve known about this lady for a while due to her captivating performances and general musical activities around my town of Bristol. Her live show is fantastic, a genuine performance of electronic music that is interesting and beguiling. Kayla is one of the many musicians who have turned to self releasing their material rather then entering the melée of scraping to get a recording deal. This endeavor is not to be taken lightly, creating, producing, recording and performing music is more then enough for an artist to deal with, throw on top distribution, artwork, promotion, press releases, endless requests to radio stations, magazines, blogs and any other channel that might provide some exposure and you are looking at a really rather massive task. Not to mention the stress of financing everything yourself, setting deadlines and then actually sticking to them. Artists like Kayla not only deserve, but depend on the support of the music listening population (you and I). The Vitoria Fleet Kissing Cousins EP is another prime example of this that springs to mind.

This EP is a gentle and subtle journey of quirky samples, floaty ambience, interesting rhythms, sultry vocals and the odd bit of low end to keep you on your toes. It is a laid back affair that is suited to end of the day listening, or maybe a lazy Sunday afternoon in the sun. My favourite track on the EP is “Madness,” it’s the song with the most vocals and great rhythmic elements—nice bit of bass in there too.

This release is available now at kaylapainter.com. Buy at iTunes or Amazon.

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