Kayla Painter :: A Very New Everything EP (Bit-Phalanx)

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Bristol-based Kayla Painter may be the next generation out of a well-established local tradition, but her sounds single her out as a new hybrid genus. Discreet and memorable new thinking scrupulously executed.

A Very New Everything is soft and budding, a cautious green shoot of supple techno poking its head out of the shiny metal undergrowth. Bristol-based Kayla Painter may be the next generation out of a well-established local tradition, but her sounds single her out as a new hybrid genus. Her music is utterly placeless and restlessly kinetic. She says she was thinking a lot about science fiction when she made the record, but it’s not so much other-worldly as no-worldly.

Within a fragile frame built of cricket legs and pick-up sticks, cracks, fractures and fragments are her media, assembled with glassy spiderwebbery in the knowledge that the space between is just as important as what you put in. Rhythm is more suggested than plainly metronomic, angularity pokes at nebulosity, indecipherable voices allude and synthesizers are elongated in a reassertion of space over a single perspective.

Discreet and memorable new thinking scrupulously executed.

A Very New Everything is available on Bit-Phalanx.

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