Jetone :: Autumnmonia (Pitchcadet)

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Canadian Tim Hecker (aka Jetone) debuts with a serene album of subdued tones and subtle static atmosphere over a backdrop of precise beats and miniscule sound bites. Ranging in style from minimal clicks and blips through to dubby bass-heavy beats, Automnmonia maintains a persistent level of cohesion and consistency. Effortlessly switching from gentle sweeping atmospherics to beat centred yet detailed rhythmic pieces, an air of calm permeates throughout.

Starting out gently with the sweeping beauty of “Sandstrings”, the mood is intensified by the crashing beats, humming tones and tinny melodies of “Fukfunk”. “Flowers No.4” slows things down with layers of thought-provoking tones and swirling synths. Manipulated vocal samples are introduced on “Marilyn Chambers” to add another facet to an already reflective tune. Further on, “Fresh” playfully uses what appears to be a heavily manipulated rap sample alongside punchy beats, melodies and atmospheric tones. In contrast, “Spluttertones” – the shortest track on the album – is minimal, consisting of tiny clicks, wind chime like sounds and an almost eastern flavour. Later on in the album, the hip-hop influenced “Shear/Retract” skilfully mixes breakbeats with vibrating synth tones and cool melodies.

Tending to alternate between gentler more contemplative passages and playful uptempo positivity, Automnmonia covers a range of emotions throughout its length. A beautifully calming album of carefully crafted melodies, rhythms and tones that deserves further investigation.

  • Pitchcadet
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