INFOHAZARD exemplifies Renraku’s vision of releasing audible tectonic plates scraping against each other like we’ve not heard before.

Deformed electronica, breaks, bass, and distortion
Renraku Global Media LLC revel in ravaged bass slabs and experimental electronics; their focus on the outer edges of heavy yet delicately evolved rhythms is on par with some of our favorites including but not limited to Concrete Collage, Evel, Touched Music, Xephem, and Point Source Electronic Arts, et al. With INFOHAZARD as their fifth compilation, a wide girth of soundscapes, escapes, and voyages into the unknown can be found right from the onset with sv1’s “Caustics” and its brittle, pitter-patter glitch emphasis. As the imprints mission is to offer a glimpse into “new territories, ideas, and expressions,” they certainly find themselves on track, quite literally.
More in-your-face dubstep elements and robotic frequency bursts shimmy into focus on tracks like “Transient Curse” (Ankou), “Gutta” (INTERCPT), and “Zoom” (Sabroi). And yet, when you think INFOHAZARD might reside on the abstract side of the platter, tracks like “123456” (XOXOXOXO), “STASIS DEMON” (N²), “›❚⣃ⶾ⎀ⰲ⽷ⷆ⚶⋫⫓⸀” (Boingo Hotspot), “Nebulae” (Nu Partial), and “R_NICEGUYS” (HØST) deliver, dare we say, softer tones and drones that still manage to mutate into larger structures echoing through space—not forgetting “Paradigm” by ALEPH and its own crunchy glitch’n bleeps whiplash rhythm. “Ragequit” and “Mirror Test” (both by Vhsceral) provide a perfect balance between deformed electronica, breaks, bass, and distortion, while keeping a firm-hold on the listeners senses.
In closing, we can easily confirm that INFOHAZARD truly exemplifies Renraku’s vision of releasing what we find to be audible tectonic plates scraping up against each other like we’ve not heard before. They just keeping churning out the goods.
INFOHAZARD is available on Renraku. [Bandcamp]