V/A :: REALTIME (Renraku)

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Broken beats and ravaged bass lines are torn, twisted, and tormented as Renraku’s focus straddles the lines between exploratory and decisively intact electronics.

Straddling the line between exploratory and decisively intact electronics

16 tracks spread over 60 minutes, Renraku continues to be a solid platform for far-reaching, bass-infested, and wide-angled sound design from all points of this circular cosmic spot. Broken beats and ravaged bass lines are torn, twisted, and tormented as Renraku straddles the line between exploratory and decisively intact electronics.

Boingo Hotspot tethers a subtle ambient undercurrent only to be eradicated by visceral low-end wobbling as Dictate shuffles and scrapes their contribution via glitch infused strands and melodic scribbling. Elsewhere you’ll find effervescent sound sculptures and acrobatic IDM courtesy of Dried Leaves and explosive breakcore and fractured beats by Nu Partial. Renraku allows each musician to reveal their most comprehensive and spell binding tracks, fully detailed with maximum energetic ability. Where Vhsceral decimates familiar sonic terrain (skewed rhythmic jolts and detuned melodies), galva tends to stretch the envelope just a little further via downtempo strains and lively darkened drum action that doesn’t let up. And just when you thought REALTIME would be chock-full of sporadic beat mangling, Casual Hex quite literally unfolds serene ambience and subdued static flutter with the aptly titled “Embers Dancing In The Wind”—a welcomed retreat that tames its counterparts. Collapsed breaks, beats and bass are drafted up via Marcus JT’s voltaic “Another World.”

REALTIME tends to evolve and erode simultaneously. With an emphasis on cultivating their roster, Renraku provides creative freedom to present vivid sound structures and utterly mind-bending electronics that finds its place in a sea of like-minded labels trying to break the mold.

REALTIME is available on Renraku February 26, 2021. [Bandcamp]

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