Nu Partial (aka Austin Williams) finds and displaces broken bass, beats and glitchy rhythms across a wide array of soundtrack shifts and harmonic moments.

A fine-tuned and on-point glitch’n bass infusion from the Land of the Midnight Sun
From the largest of the US states (Alaska by way of Mississippi), and furthest north, Nu Partial (aka Austin Williams) finds and displaces broken bass, beats and glitchy rhythms across a wide array of soundtrack shifts and harmonic moments. Within seven pieces exposing hundreds of hardened tones and shattered melodies, arcane, crunchy and bitesize audio morsels are displayed in two to three minute segments. One can nonetheless find an abundance of creative glacial ice sheets front to back on RRRRECEPTION. The title track captures the EP’s dynamic focus with shapeshifting breaks, half-formed downtempo beatwork and crackling notes. Low-end waveforms are continuously smothered in blissful sonic discourse. The scorched bass, noise and rugged machine music of “Miami P.D. Bussdown” is a fine glitch extraction in itself, while “Pugassi Flex” opens with ambient and toned down swells as the resulting clip-hop structure leaves the listener anxious for more. Ultimately a fine-tuned and on-point glitch’n bass infusion from the Land of the Midnight Sun.
RRRRECEPTION is available on Renraku. [Bandcamp]