Homemade Weapons & Voidloss :: Bloodlillies In The Moonlight EP (Onset Audio)

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Two talented sound sculptors burst through harder-edged beats, bass, and distortion with a potent collection of sound design structures and dark electronics.

Bloodlillies In The Moonlight features ‘heavyweight breakbeat artillery‘ from two talented sound sculptors that burst through harder-edged beats, bass, and distortion with a potent collection of sound design structures and dark electronics. As the broken rhythmic swirl of “The Clattering Of Hooves (Homemade Weapons Remix)” produces a muted and captivating industrial electronic cacophony, the opening collaborative title track emits relentless charred signals loud and clear. In the end, a crepuscular relationship between two unified sound energies is reenforced by this two-tracker.

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