Haunted Me :: Plague (Self-Released)

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A beautiful noise ambient release dominated by soaring guitars and diverse acoustic sound manipulations.

Haunted Me is a young droned-out / post rockin’ and one-man project from Calabria (Italy). The music of Claudio Begovic is quite discreet and confidential, totally self-released and published as digital albums. However I’ve been seduced by the deeply evocative and beautiful cinematic mood of his first EP. I was curious to hear what could be his next creative step.

I’m pleased to notice that he finally published a first full length release, now available on his Bandcamp page. Compared to the EP the musical signature offers a quite different direction, more openly devoted to abstract experimentalism and bleak noisy textures. The two opening tracks are representative to this slight musical and stylistic change. The general tendency is much more hermetic but the content still features great emotive qualities such as in the detached and quiet meditative “plg1.1” which brings to the fore subtle piano touches upon a wall of noises. “Floating Stones” encapsulates you in a sonic post-rock ambience for electric guitars implemented by electronic effects. “Comadreamers II” closes the album with intoxicating and darkly moving noisy drone sequences punctuated by acoustic micro-sound motives.

A beautiful noise ambient release dominated by soaring guitars and diverse acoustic sound manipulations.

Plague is available on Bandcamp.

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