Room of Wires :: Plague of People (Ant-Zen)

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Isolationist duo Room Of Wires have never met, formed in 2013 and continuing to unleash complex electronic structures, Plague of People is their first for Ant-Zen and exhibits form and dysfunction via darker experimental electronic strains.

Morphing through industrial landscapes and cavernous voids

Isolationist duo Room Of Wires have never met, formed in 2013 and continuing to unleash complex electronic structures, Plague of People is their first for Ant-Zen and exhibits form and dysfunction via darker experimental electronic strains. The title track morphs through industrial landscapes and cavernous voids—both turbulent and serene. Elsewhere one will find exploratory downtempo fractures on tracks like “Alcohole,” “Dust Map,” and “Block Hammer” where time spins a cyclic loop. And with the hundreds of found sounds, broken bits and pieces, scattered blips and bleeps, Plague of People does have lighter moments giving us a glimpse of better times ahead—”Crystal Shaol,” “Scenic Route,” and “You Pluckers” feature microscopic details—tiny pulses that glimmer and spark. The amount of rhythmic tones and drones overflows on Plague of People, and yet pieces like “Euphoricore” exude fragrant broken-beat melodics that one simply can’t turn away from. A welcomed full-length from the Room Of Wires duo proving that they’re still able to “connect” the wires and produce music of substance without being in the same studio.

Plague of People is available on Ant-Zen. [Bandcamp]

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