Gouldenberg :: First Expedition (Self-Released)

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Soundscapes are constantly imaginative, chilling and menacing, mainly articulated on vintage synthesized-like textures, various electronic manipulations and catchy if not darkly moving melodies.

Gouldenberg is a young synthscaping project coming from St. Petersburg, Russia. After a first release published in 2015 and titled Nyctophilia, the project is back with a new release First Expedition. The whole conceptual and intellectual background which sustains the music involves a passionate interest for science-fiction as a mode of awareness about our present and an utopian future.

The project is mainly found of utopian ideologies and techno-scientifically advanced missions from the soviet era. Consequently we are invited to connect mentally and musically with the world of robotics, simulacrum, space age adventurous theories. On the subject and associated to the homo-sovieticus I can warmly advise the reading of Tsiolkovsky and Zamyatin.

Musically speaking the music of Gouldenberg has a very retro-ish and cosmically-infused ambient feel. Soundscapes are constantly imaginative, chilling and menacing, mainly articulated on vintage synthesized-like textures, various electronic manipulations and catchy if not darkly moving melodies. First Expedition is one intriguing, enigmatic and bizarre progressive electronic excursion, rocking energy is mixed with tripped out electronic grooves to provide a groundbreaking and fantasist sci-fi soundtrack. Recommended for fans of 70s cosmic music (Zanov, Tim Blake, Harald Grosskopf et al), classical progressive rock with a minimalist electronic tendency (Automat, Wolfgang Riechmann) and Slavic space synth wizards Andrei Artemiev or Sven Grunberg.

First Expedition is available on Bandcamp.

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